Did you know endodontics can save tooth loss?

If you are looking for a dental practice that offers a wide range of treatments, then try and find one for your needs now and in the future, for you and the family. Each patient’s needs will be different and these needs can change as you age. This is why it’s important to consider not just general dentistry treatments, but also what the emergency care provision is, for example, or cosmetic dentistry in case your smile needs a little added shine or realignment. Another area to consider is endodontics. In the realm of dental health, the term ‘endodontics’ might not be a household name, but its significance cannot be overstated. The field of endodontics plays a crucial role in saving teeth that might otherwise be lost due to severe infection or damage. The emphasis a dental practice puts on providing effective endodontic treatments should be present to ensure the longevity and health of your teeth.

Understanding endodontics

Endodontics, a branch of dentistry, revolves around the intricate study and treatment of the innermost part of a tooth – the pulp. The pulp is a delicate network of blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissues that can become compromised due to factors such as deep decay, repeated dental procedures, cracks, or chips in the tooth, or even traumatic injury. When the pulp becomes infected or inflamed, it can lead to excruciating pain and, if left untreated, result in the loss of the tooth.

The root canal procedure

One of the most common treatments within the realm of endodontics is the root canal procedure. This procedure is designed to eliminate the infected or inflamed pulp, thus alleviating pain and saving the tooth from extraction. The process typically involves the following steps.

Diagnosis and X-rays

The first step is a thorough examination of the tooth and surrounding area. X-rays help the dentist visualise the extent of damage and determine the treatment plan.

Local anaesthesia

To ensure the patient’s comfort, a local anaesthetic is administered to numb the area around the affected tooth.

Access opening

The dentist Canary Wharf creates a small access hole in the crown of the tooth to reach the pulp chamber.

Pulp removal

Using specialised instruments, the infected or inflamed pulp is carefully removed from the pulp chamber and root canals.

Cleaning and shaping

The empty pulp chamber and canals are meticulously cleaned, disinfected, and shaped to prepare them for filling.


Once the canals are prepared, they are filled with a biocompatible material called gutta-percha to seal the space and prevent re-infection.


In many cases, a tooth that undergoes a root canal procedure may require additional restoration, such as a crown, to restore its strength and functionality.

Benefits of root canal treatment

Root canal treatment, despite its reputation, is a highly effective and beneficial procedure. Here are some key advantages.

Pain relief

The procedure alleviates the severe pain caused by infected or inflamed pulp, allowing patients to resume their daily activities comfortably.

Tooth preservation

By saving the natural tooth, the patient avoids the potential challenges associated with tooth loss, such as difficulty in chewing, shifting of adjacent teeth, and loss of jawbone density.

Improved appearance

Preserving the natural tooth maintains the aesthetic appeal of the smile, contributing to a confident and pleasing appearance.

Efficient chewing

A treated tooth functions normally, enabling efficient chewing and digestion.

Finding a dental practice who can help

Finding a dental practice that is committed to providing excellent endodontic and dental care is an important part of your search for the right place. Try and find a practice that boasts a commitment to delivering high-quality treatments using the latest technology, all within a warm and welcoming environment. Some dental practices incorporate a dental referral centre, which extends its expertise to accept referrals from dental practices across the city and beyond. A practice that offers affordable treatment options for the entire family, ensuring that oral health remains a priority for all is certainly a great find, so make sure to do your homework! The journey toward optimal dental health begins with an initial consultation, where experts assess your unique needs and recommend the most suitable treatments.

Therefore, endodontics, particularly root canal treatment, can help to prevent tooth loss. Its ability to rescue teeth from the brink of extraction and provide lasting relief is nothing short of remarkable. Try to find a dental practice and a dentist that not only champions the cause of endodontics, but also ensures that this essential care is accessible and affordable to everyone. With a commitment to quality, technology, and patient comfort, a dental practice that offers this treatment is your partner on the path to a healthier and more confident smile.