HIFU – A Beginner’s Guide

HIFU is a non-surgical facelift or needleless Botox. Without using a scalpel, HIFU procedures lift, tighten, and firm the skin of the face and décolletage areas. .

After your first treatment, HIFU will provide noticeable benefits without any downtime, whether it is for drooping eyelids or a sagging chin.

How Does It Work?

The deeper layers of the skin are targeted by ultrasound energy, briefly heating the tissue. These cells are damaged after being heated, which encourages cells to generate further collagen.

Since the ultrasound energy is solely focused on certain tissues beneath the skin, there is no harm done to the skin’s top layers due to the rise in collagen, which gives tighter, firmer, and smoother skin.

Multiple treatments can be necessary for patients with photodamaged skin or excessive amounts of loose skin to achieve the desired outcomes. Those who are older and have severe photoaging, saggy skin, or severe skin laxity may not be good candidates for this treatment.

Additionally, HIFU facials are not advised for those with cystic acne, open skin lesions, infections, or metallic implants close to the treatment area.

Hifu 效果 is very different compared to other energies like radiofrequency and light energy, which is the IPL energy.

While penetrating at higher temperatures and deeper depths than radiofrequency, it shields the skin’s surface. It treats beyond the dermis and foundation layers, where structural deterioration begins.

Treatment Time 

  • This could take anywhere between 30 and 150 minutes, depending on the region being treated.
  • A whole face typically takes 60 minutes.
  • 30 minutes is required for a neck lift or eyebrow lift.
  • 150 minutes for the full face, neck, and décolleté.


  • Your body will naturally repair its collagen over 2-3 months, so you might notice some effects after your very first treatment.
  • While HIFU has significantly fewer risks and expenses than a surgical facelift, the results may not last long, hence more treatments might be necessary.
  • For best results, you should receive at least 3 treatments, with a 3-month gap.
  • You shouldn’t go for any other cosmetic treatment for the next 2 years.

However, if you have never received any treatment comparable to HIFU before, then finding the correct treatment facility for you may feel appealing.

When there are many alternatives, choosing the best practitioner may be confusing. Still, if you are certain that this is the course of action you want to take, you should pick a knowledgeable doctor who knows how to apply the therapy for the best outcome.

To learn more about the experience and level of service you may anticipate, you should read the reviews from previous clients.

Visit the centre as well to make sure you are at ease and content with the surroundings. Even though HIFU is non-invasive, you should still feel comfortable throughout the process.

At Retens, you will get fine and skilful doctors that use fifth generation 無針埋線 Rose V Line for lifting and firming of the skin.

You may notice the instant lifting impact after just one course of treatment, which is comparable to the typical thread embedding HIFU effect. 

If you want to get your youth back without piercing needles, HIFU is the right way of getting it. Consult your dermatologist about the treatment method, they will tell you if it is suitable for your skin.